Apraxia, Speech Disorders and "R"


If a child is unable to produce speech sounds which other children the same age say easily, they may have speech sound disorder. Speech sound disorders are also known as articulation disorders. There are multiple causes for speech disorders and often the origin is unknown. I find speech sound disorders compelling and have devoted much of my career to learning and developing treatment techniques.


The most effective technique I have learned is PROMPT. Traditional speech therapy often relies on the child being able to change motor movements based only on seeing and hearing an example. PROMPT engages multiple senses, including the sense of touch. The therapist touches the child’s face to teach the required motor movements to produce correct sounds. It is a very powerful technique because it gives tactile input and allows the child the feel the correct placement of the jaw, lips and tongue. PROMPT is very effective in treating all speech sound disorders.

When a child has extreme difficulty learning to produce and sequence sounds the cause may be Childhood Apraxia of Speech (CAS). This speech disorder is a result of the brain sending incorrect messages to the muscles used in speaking. CAS is very rare, occurring in only 1-2 children in a 1000. I am highly qualified to treat apraxia, and I have many years of experience working with apraxic children. As a PROMPT trained therapist, I have found their techniques to be highly effective in helping apraxic children learn to speak.

R is the most difficult sound to learn in the English language. Please click on this link for more information.